Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Back in the SD

I'm now back where I started 4 years ago. South Dakota. On the trip between Washington and here I went South to visit family. I got to see the Hansons: Nate, Mo, Zach and Chloe of Nevada; and some Californians: Aunt LuAnn, and let's not forget Uncle Larry and Auntie Jan Moberg, respectively. Spent two weeks down in that area before heading back up Northeast toward SD. I was lucky enough to get rear-ended by a tractor-trailer in Idaho on an icy Hwy 20 without dying, and to end the trip on a good note I spent 3 hours crawling through an unexpected spring blizzard the last 70 miles from home. Things are now looking up though!! The snow is all melted again now and my bike is still in good riding order. The parts for my truck have been ordered by the local Toyota dealer body shop, and I have a good feeling that will all be squared away in the next 10 or so days.

Gotta love that South Dakota weather!

The Semi and the Damage Done.


At 6:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow- what an adventure your trip home turned out to be! Glad all is kosher.
Don't miss the South D snow myself or the cross country traveling... however, in July we will embark on such an adventure ourselves... hopefully not as lively as your trip. see you then... well before, but then too! Peace.


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